Wondercon 2016 Pictures! At long last

Wondercon 2016 - be3n stormtroopers

The convention ended weeks ago.  I Finally got all my pictures sorted (as well as my dad’s).  These are a few of my favorites.  enjoy.  I had a blast and as usual, the costumes were amazing.  Thanks to Forest and my dad for making this happen and sharing your pictures.  Huge thanks to everyone at Wondercon and especially everyone in costume (please send me links and i will happily include them here).   See you next year!

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Surprise visit from Nathan Fillion to my living room!

be3n with Nathan Fillion

Even Captan Hammer needs tech support! I am always delighted to be awesome in the presence of someone who’s work i respect and admire.  Forest was furious as soon as she recovered from the shock of it!  She asked me to help tidy, not two hours earlier.  I am a master procrastinator where cleaning is concerned.  “Lets just watch TV instead,” I said. This may have hurt those efforts for years to come.

Star Wars and code!

Vader MatrixWith my work queue nearly completed, i have decided this morning to sit down and start a few small projects of my own.  I’ve got three screens up; client side, server side and Star Wars.  I am ready to get it done. Starting with the original version of the the original  A New Hope.  This will keep the creativity flowing while not distracting too much from the task at hand.  I’ll be posting on the other side assuming i produce something worth sharing. I hope you are making the best of your Friday. #starwarsandcode

Got some great stuff done, but nothing ready to show off yet.