The Future has awesome amazing infrastructure like this!

Solar Freaking Roadways!  This is even better that the smart roads i have been reading about for years!  LED roadways make so much sense.  Not just to warn drivers of obstacles ahead, or to change parking lot configurations.  It can even change lane configurations based on traffic patterns.  Like the golden gate, our roads could shift the number of east vs west bound lanes to account for traffic. The only down side is the cost, i’ve seen estimates all over the map.  How much did our present roadways cost if you added it all up?  I bet that has been plenty expensive as well.  What about the Railroads?  These things are expensive, but infrastructure is worth it.  When we spend money like this we are paying ourselves to build a better tomorrow.

And the lulz keep coming!

LulzSec is back at it.  Actually they never stopped, but this time they released 26,000 emails and passwords from a pile of porn sites.  Again we are reminded of the ills of password reuse as email, facebook, and twitter accounts fall.  This is going to reverberate across the net for a while as troublemakers make trouble for some poor porn subscribers.  I almost feel bad for them.  This is one way to educate the populous.  Facebook was quick to block the listed emails, but if email is also compromised, it doesn’t help for long.

Update 11-27-15 (now dead link):