Back from Defcon 32 with knowledge swag but no voice

Defcon32 - Big Sign

I had a great time this year.  i went deep into the sticker game and spent WAY too much time playing with the badge.  Playing with the badge allowed me to meet and work with some incredible people with whom we learned, laughed, and lamented the badge’s terrible supplied SD cards. This year i brought flyers to promote my phone adventure game and joined in #StickerLife with a supply of stickers of my own.  unfortunately the printers gave me too many flyers, but not enough stickers.

Defcon32 - be3n stickers and flyers

My game did get some traction this year for the first time.  Still no winners, but i did get this incredible voicemail from one of the players.  I appreciated more ridiculous phone stuff.  great job whoever you are!

Defcon32 - badges

Defcon32 - be3n badge zelda

The Badge had a lot of problems.  only some of which were patched with updates.  I excitedly made changes, but then the SD card would fail and be unable change back.  currently mine is stuck as a Mario Game, which is not so terrible.   i can finish the Defcon GameBoy game on an emulator.

Defcon32 - Badge Dev Mode Defcon32 - Badge Game 1 Defcon32 - Badge Game 2 Defcon32 - Badge Game 3Defcon32 - Sticker Haul

Does anyone remember how to destroy the Dark Portal?

I was replaying the classic Blizzard game Warcraft II and I couldn’t remember how to win.  It wasn’t this difficult to win the Orc campaign. Great game, I miss the 12+ hour games we’d play on our localtalk network.  It’s just not the same playing the computer.  #lanparty

Warcraft II - Dark Portal

GeForce Bootcamp Issues fixed with a tool for gamers!

GeForce Logo

So I had a bit of trouble with some bootcamp machines running the Nvidia GeForce 9400 in both Windows 7 & 8.  Intermittently they would boot without video.  Not right away, initially, it would show video during initial startup.   However, as it got to the login screen, the screen would go distinctly blank.  I had installed the latest drivers from apple (Bootcamp Additions), even tried 3rd party drivers.  Nothing solved the problem, the best I could do was reduce the frequency of occurrence.  I was about to resign just to deal with it when a came upon GeForce Experience.  This is a software suite to optimize Nvidia graphics cards for gaming.  The  9400/9400M is certainly not a gamer card, but that doesn’t stop the Experience from identifying and installing proper drivers before reporting that no gaming optimizations are available.  Despite it’s inability to enhance my gaming, the tool certainly resolved all my driver issues.  I cannot recommend it highly enough.  Give it a go if your Nvidia drivers are making you crazy.


TableTop Day 2014 at Emerald Knights!

Talisman Victory at Tabletop 2014 at Emerald KnightsThe final conclusion of  an awesome game of Talisman with all my add ons including the newly acquired Dungeons expansion.  Introduced the game to a few new players. A fair amount of death and destruction.  Lots of veterans died as well.  It’s ok, you just grab a new character and start again.  We even had a few new players join in the last hour of the game.

I won, but just barely. It was really down to the wire. We played with alternate endings and I drew Judgement Day. Exciting end to an amazing game. After my cleric died in the city jail, I took up the Minstrel.  These delightful character gave me the luck i needed to take it all the way to the crown of command. Talisman Board Tabletop Day 2014

My cleric couldn’t hack it in the dungeon, but my Minstrel made it through twice!  I ended up getting dealt an infinite turn combo. I didn’t use it of course, but i love figuring this stuff out.




Talisman Board 2 Tabletop Day 2014

Talisman Combo Tabletop Day 2014