couldn’t be happier!
Tag: Science
Got my first MRI today. . .
The purpose of the scan today was investigating back pain, nothing serious. In keeping with my tradition of publishing too much information, enjoy this animation of a flight through my spine.
The experience was actually much easier then I anticipated. The machine did not move me as much as they show on medical television shows. Not as loud either. 30 minutes in the tube was a bit much, by the end, i was ready to get out.
Endeavors Final Flight
Caught the final flight of Space Shuttle Endeavor as it passed over Malibu today. Enjoy my terrible photography. I hope this mobile upload comes out. I may have to upload again once I get to my office.
if you haven’t seen adobe’s new trick. . .
check it out content aware, there are lots of vids, but this one is more about the science behind it. Unbelievable work guys, you’ver certainly earned your verb. we’ll see this stuff in cs5. i can’t wait. . .
The LHC says goodbye to AMS. Off to space!
from @CERN today departed the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS). After successful tests in the LHC this international superdetector will boldly go beyond the earthly bonds. It’s journey will take it first to Norway for testing and then to space by way of the Kennedy Space Center. (The LHC is presently undergoing a retool for higher power collisions and experiments to come.)
read the press release here:
LHC being prepared for running at 3.5 TeV per beam!
RT @CERN we are getting terribly close to the Science!
I personally am excited about the amazing discovers these experiments will forward.