Rules for Rulers! Incredible explanation of power and politics. Watch it!
Tag: youtube
Look on the bright side…
At least we get Lisa after this.
The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo – an amazing adventure!
The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is an incredible place. We saw, touched, learned about and enjoyed countless animals from all over the globe. Incredible views, amazing animals. I got a video of a Grizzly Bear trying to catch a fish underwater! Check out my pictures and videos. This is certainly one of the top zoos I have ever visited. (I would recommend taking the zoo shuttle for $2- My legs are still sore from all the walking up hill). We also found a few extra animals like a Fearow.

Dentistry of the future…
A recent mouthpiece fitting exposed me to the latest in dental impressions. I filmed it, the tech was quite impressive. A camera takes pictures of my teeth and software stitches it into a 3D model. I only wish i could take home the model files. sure beat the molding clay in my mouth. (though it did take a little bit longer)
Best encryption explanation yet!
Digital locks != physical locks
I put up an awesome time lapse on youtube!
I took this video before i left town. I have many more pictures and videos to upload from my trip, but for now, enjoy this amazing time lapse of clouds, and sunlight moving across the valley.
Awesome Tour of the ISS!
Check out this amazing tour of the International Space Station:
Snuggly the Wiretap Friendly Bear.
The new face of privacy.
Viacom vs Youtube! Great Retort!
vlogbrothers John Green explains how viacom has broken it’s own rules! EFF linked to it, and they make some amazing points.
EDIT: thanks anne for the correction.