Category: revolution
Back from Defcon 32 with knowledge swag but no voice
I had a great time this year. i went deep into the sticker game and spent WAY too much time playing with the badge. Playing with the badge allowed me to meet and work with some incredible people with whom we learned, laughed, and lamented the badge’s terrible supplied SD cards. This year i brought flyers to promote my phone adventure game and joined in #StickerLife with a supply of stickers of my own. unfortunately the printers gave me too many flyers, but not enough stickers.
My game did get some traction this year for the first time. Still no winners, but i did get this incredible voicemail from one of the players. I appreciated more ridiculous phone stuff. great job whoever you are! EDIT: i think i found you Foxbox!
The Badge had a lot of problems. only some of which were patched with updates. I excitedly made changes, but then the SD card would fail and be unable change back. currently mine is stuck as a Mario Game, which is not so terrible. i can finish the Defcon GameBoy game on an emulator.
I Visited Niland, The Salton Sea, and Slab City.
I traveled to The Salton Sea to meet some of the alternative communities and see the incredible artwork coming from the area. Also it’s a great place to get in some drone flights.
Continue reading “I Visited Niland, The Salton Sea, and Slab City.”
be3n is now completely carbon neutral thanks to offsets!*
Thank you Jon Oliver for putting the dream of carbon neutrality only $1 away.
*We think. Given the uncertainties of carbon math, this claim cannot be guaranteed.
Happy Max Headroom Incident day!
This is the anniversary of the infamous hack that interrupted a television broadcast in Chicago, Illinois. A Classic Tom Baker Dr Who episode was replaced with a lunatic in a Max Headroom mask. A prank from from 1987, it remains unsolved to this day.
Watch the transmission here:
@defcon just retweeted me!
In a tweet by @todayininfosec we were all reminded of this day in 1999 when @Dildog and the cDc crew presented Back Orifice 2000 (BO2K) to a delighted crowd at Defcon 7. It was quite a show complete with music, projectors, lights, lasers, and even a Speak-n-Spell. It was a lot of fun, and i was elated to be there. i replied early with my memories, but then i remembered that i had found some photos while cleaning. . .so i posted them. These were film prints from an instamatic (as was the style at the time), so they didn’t come out great! they do offer a tiny keyhole through which we may peer into the past. i am glad it is bringing joy. Then @defcon (the official conference account) retweeted. *blush*
Bernie rally in Venice!
So much energy and excitement. Every time i turned around, the crowd was bigger! Great music and amazing speakers. I met so many incredible people.
Defcam 2.0 Preparation and more from Defcon 27!
So I did not “complete” my hat until very late Friday when i finally got it to announce its link status on its new set of 14 segment displays. It performed admirably all weekend. Thanks to Paul for safely transporting it to and from Vegas. I must also thank Stephen for his late night help on Wednesday. (tacos are not enough) Without his amazing soldering, i’d still be trying to figure out what i had done wrong. Here are some pictures from that night and the con to follow. . .