Back from Defcon 32 with knowledge swag but no voice

Defcon32 - Big Sign

I had a great time this year.  i went deep into the sticker game and spent WAY too much time playing with the badge.  Playing with the badge allowed me to meet and work with some incredible people with whom we learned, laughed, and lamented the badge’s terrible supplied SD cards. This year i brought flyers to promote my phone adventure game and joined in with a supply of stickers of my own.  unfortunately the printers gave me too many flyers, but not enough stickers.

Defcon32 - be3n stickers and flyers

My game did get some traction this year for the first time.  Still no winners, but i did get this incredible voicemail from one of the players.  I appreciated more ridiculous phone stuff.  great job whoever you are! EDIT: i think i found you Foxbox!

Defcon32 - badges

Defcon32 - be3n badge zelda

The Badge had a lot of problems.  only some of which were patched with updates.  I excitedly made changes, but then the SD card would fail and be unable change back.  currently mine is stuck as a Mario Game, which is not so terrible.   i can finish the Defcon GameBoy game on an emulator.

Defcon32 - Badge Dev Mode Defcon32 - Badge Game 1 Defcon32 - Badge Game 2 Defcon32 - Badge Game 3Defcon32 - Sticker Haul

A visit to Meow Wolf Dallas on my Eclipse 2024 Roadtrip.

MeowWolf Dallas - FrontI couldn’t pass through Dallas for the Eclipse without stopping at the newest installation by my favorite art collective. I was ready to continue my immersive art experience.  No booping this time, you collected accomplishments with TXT messages. (i found a few secrets). As usual, the reality bending transitions and transposition of Meow Wolf installation delight and amuse.
MeowWolf Dallas - be3nMeowWolf Dallas - CorridorMeowWolf Dallas - Panorama StageMeowWolf Dallas - HoseMeowWolf Dallas - DuctingMeowWolf Dallas - SecretMeowWolf Dallas - Popsicle DoorMeowWolf Dallas - Refrigerator Vortex

I have been walking into refrigerators at Meow Wolf since  visiting House of Eternal Return in Santa Fe. It was exciting to see that all refrigerators come together in the latest installation. I had to try out the popsicle door.

An Evening with Sir Patrick Stewart

evening with sir patrick stewart
An incredible dialog with Sir Patrick Stewart about his childhood, family, Shakespeare, and Star Trek.  The appearance was to promote his recently published memoir, “Making it so.”  500 copies were given away at the event, including one to myself.  Amazingly, they only forbid video and flash photography.  I was able to grab some pics and a pretty solid audio recording.  enjoy.

evening with sir patrick stewart

My visit to Nike Missile Site LA-88

Nike Missile Site LA-88

The Nike Missile Site LA-88 is back in the mountains of Chatsworth, not far from Oat Mt.  It’s an impressive 450 foot gain from the parking, but it’s a pretty cool piece of Los Angeles’ Cold War history.  The site includes some great dilapidation if your like that kind of thing.  Ruins of two Buses and a car as well as a few buildings and some very sketchy entrances into dark underground places.

Nike Missile Site LA-88Nike Missile Site LA-88

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Nike-Missile-LA-88 SiteNike-Missile-LA-88 SiteNike-Missile-LA-88 Site
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