Great work Pangu! Jailbreak 9-9.0.2!

Once again, Chinese team Pangu drops a public iOS jailbreak for all the devices presently released including the new iPhone 6s/+. The usual warning about backing up your devices and that most of the software on cydia must be updated to work with the OS.  We know that 9.1 is already in the pipe.  I hope no unnecessary bugs were burned.  Taig did amazing work in iOS 8 to ensure that their bugs were released at the perfect time for maximum effect and user elation.

Only windows app presently.  My windows virtual machine decided to implode this morning, so i used my gaming PC to get it done.  (my new windows VM is still updating)

I was successful jailbreaking my iPhone 6s+ that had been OTA updated to iOS 9.0.2.  Strangely, I received no confirmation screen upon success.  Pangu recommends restoring your device directly to 9.0.2 instead of using the update feature on your device.

Pangu9 Jailbreak start

Continue reading “Great work Pangu! Jailbreak 9-9.0.2!”

Oh Cydia- how i missed you!

Tiag 8.3 jailbreak Cydia iconsToday TiaG released a new jailbreak for iOS 8.1.3-8.3!  Finally I am jailbroken again!  As usual, lots of apps will need to be updated to work and Mobile Substrate isn’t compatible yet.  Please be patient as Saurik and others get things updated.  That is not to say that there isn’t piles of useful stuff already in Cydia.  It will probably be a few days (or maybe weeks) before we see activator and similar tweaks or themes up on 8.3.  Presently, TiaG jailbreak is only windows, but it works fine with virtualization.  Also, 8.4 should be coming soon.  I know Pangu allegedly already has a working jailbreak that they are waiting to release.  If that is true and nothing TiaG releases gets in the way, it should be great.  However, it is probably a good idea to upgrade to 8.3 before the signing window closes.  Apple usually leaves the old iOS open for a few hours or days after a new version is released.

tiag 8.3 jailbreak start

Continue reading “Oh Cydia- how i missed you!”

Halloween surprise from Pangu! iOS 8.1 Jailbreak!

I was so wrapped up in the ghoulish holiday that I hardly noticed when @PanguTeam released an iOS 8~8.1 jailbreak tool.  This release covers all devices capable of running iOS 8. Presently it is only available for windows (but runs great in a virtual machine).  Already on the 4th version of the tool for Windows, a Mac version is promised soon.  Only just playing with it now.  More info to come.  thanks guys.  get it here:

Pangu Jailbreak 8.1

Ready for the Evasion!


Blobs are fetched, IPSWs Downloaded, iDevices Backed Up! Now the wait for the latest public jailbreak continues. The latest team includes @pimskeks, @planetbeing, @pod2g, and of course @MuscleNerd. Supposed to drop early tomorrow, but some suspected (myself included) that it might get released on “Funday.”

This jailbreak will support EVERY iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, or iPad Mini running iOS 6.0-6.1. No doubt that atv2 support will come quickly after. No news yet about atv3.

Official Evad3rs Site is back! This time iPad 2 can play!

Despite numerous problems and unrelenting deadlines @comex has come through yet again with another fantastic jailbreak! When an unfinished beta of the latest iPad2 jailbreak was leaked, we all new that the window for this exploit was rapidly closing. Apple simply cannot allow userland exploits to exist (for obvious reasons). I am delighted that all the iPhone-dev guys got their act together and released. What are you waiting for

iPhone is about to SHAtter!

Ever since @pod2g discovered a new bootrom exploit we’ve all been patiently waiting for an update to our favorite tools.   Well, @MuscleNerd announced today that a beta of PwnageTool has already been developed to utilize the exploit.   @chronicdevteam has tools in the works as well.  Though i anxiously await the release of @greenpois0n, it is PwnageTool that will allow me to update my iPhone4 without endangering my baseband and killing my unlock.

What does this mean to you?  well, i’ll tell you since you asked.  It means that EVERY iOS devise ALL A4 devices (iPhone 4, Tough 4g, iPad, Apple TV 2) will be jailbreakable regardless of iOS version.  This is good news for anyone who “accidentally” updated or who purchased their device after apple fixed the exploit.  Now although this exploit cannot be fixed with an iOS update, it is still very important to back up your shsh blobs to ensure that you can utilize the tools that all these guys have worked so hard on.  Don’t get too excited.  No new baseband exploit has yet been announced, so all you unlockers running 4.0.2 or greater are still doomed.  lets hope they’re sitting on one for 4.2 or it’s going to be a cold and lonely winter.

iOS Updates!

New iOS versions today. as usual, stay away if you like unlocks. I thought I’d have more time to back up my blobs (still waiting for delivery). I hope this doesn’t effect my jailbreakability. I’d hate to have a new phone that I can’t use due to software limitations.

@comex reports that there is no significant change in 4.0.1 and nothing exploit, jailbreak, or unlock related was effected.

iOS 4 is here! and good news for unlockers!

i’ve been so busy that i’ve scarcely had time to mention that Apple released it’s new OS as well as the long awaited iphone 4 (just a few hours away).  got yours yet?   haven’t got hands on the new devise yet, but i finally installed 4 on my 3gs.  If you’ve been waiting to upgrade because you unlock, or if you lost your unlock because of “accidentally” upgrading then you are in luck.   Unless your a new bootlrom 3GS or you didn’t back up your blobs, you are most certainly stoked right now.  3G iphone and Touch 2g are upgradable, jailbreakable, and unlockable.  the new base band (and all previous) have been unlocked.  great work by @iphone_dev.  Touch 3g users and new bootrom 3gs users are doomed for the moment, so be careful about “accidentally” upgrading.  for now.  once the new device gets in the right hands, it’s only a matter of time.  and if you haven’t learned by now, BACK UP YOUR BLOBS!