waiting in line to buy my new 60″. doing my part to keep the economy going. A wonderful follow up to a tryptophantastic thanksgiving. i got lots of little things free (after rebate) and some much needed junk. All around a great holiday. after this home and then nap.
An unbelievable amount of beurocracy went into this purchase. Wow. The first problem was cashier i got was still in training. They couldn’t delete the warranty or an extra hdmi cable from my bill. I eventually had to return my imaginary cable and then go back to the cashier to get my cash. Including the checkout line, the whole process took nearly two hours.
Feeling much better after my nap. Watching Sorsorer’s Stone on the new TV. Fits and looks perfect in my living room. Reflection was my primary concern, but that proved to be nothing at all to worry about.