I narrowly skated into an 8.1 upgrade. With 8.1.1 out nearly 24 hours, I almost missed my chance to update my iPad. Luckily apple is still signing 8.1 for now. GET ON IT, if you still want your jailbreak. Who knows when the good folks at pangu are going to make another unteathered jailbreak. Here are some tips for those of you who are uncertain about updating to a not so current release of iOS. Step 1: Download the ipsw for your device and software version. (many devices have different software versions based on CDMA vs GSM vs Wifi – pick carefully) Step 2: Hold the Option key (alt for windows) while clicking the Restore button in iTunes. Step 3: Direct the open dialogue to the downloaded ipsw and click open. Step 4: Wait. (if you get an error you have either chosen the wrong ipsw or the signing window is closed) Good Luck!
P.S. – i got lucky. Lesson learned. Watch the betas and update before the windows closes.
UPDATE 11/22/14 – Apple is still signing 8.1! I just restored an iPhone 6 to 8.1 this morning!
UPDATE 12/01/14 – Apple finally closed the window. I hope you all got sorted out.
UPDATE 12/15/14 – Found a great site to track what is still being signed. http://api.ineal.me/tss/status