Great work Pangu! Jailbreak 9-9.0.2!

Once again, Chinese team Pangu drops a public iOS jailbreak for all the devices presently released including the new iPhone 6s/+. The usual warning about backing up your devices and that most of the software on cydia must be updated to work with the OS.  We know that 9.1 is already in the pipe.  I hope no unnecessary bugs were burned.  Taig did amazing work in iOS 8 to ensure that their bugs were released at the perfect time for maximum effect and user elation.

Only windows app presently.  My windows virtual machine decided to implode this morning, so i used my gaming PC to get it done.  (my new windows VM is still updating)

I was successful jailbreaking my iPhone 6s+ that had been OTA updated to iOS 9.0.2.  Strangely, I received no confirmation screen upon success.  Pangu recommends restoring your device directly to 9.0.2 instead of using the update feature on your device.

Pangu9 Jailbreak start

Pangu9 Jailbreak warningPangu9 Jailbreak- start 5%Pangu9 Jailbreak running 30%Pangu9 Jailbreak running 45%Pangu9 Jailbreak running 55%Pangu9 Jailbreak running 65%Pangu9 Jailbreak running 75%iphone jailbreak pangu iconPangu9 Jailbreak running 85%Pangu9 Jailbreak running 98%iOS 9.0.2 iphone jailbroken cydiaCydia iOS 9 jailbreakCydia iOS 9 jailbreak 2