Status update:

synology NAS

I have an aged storage array in a critical roll on my network. I have wanted to replace it for years, but the expense and the effort always kept it in the future. Apart from the speed being underwhelming, it has always been reliable and problem free.  My recent backup problems have necessitated a new and much larger backup destination.  This created the perfect storm allowing me to buy a huge new NAS to take over the rolls of my current slowpoke.  Thus freeing my old, slow, but reliable array to act as solely a backup.  This will breath new life and impressive capacity to my infrastructure and finally for the foreseeable future put an end to my local backup capacity issues.

Some of the preparations involve typology changes.  Changing the very roadways and turnpikes of my network. If you are doing a performance upgrade, might as well squeeze out all the juice (link aggregation, etc).  This upgrade is so big it will probably take the entire weekend just to prepare and rest of the month to complete!  what could possibly go wrong?  I prefer to think of all the things that will go right when it’s done.

Defcam 2.0 Preparation and more from Defcon 27!

DC27 Defcam2 - link UP

So I did not “complete” my hat until very late Friday when i finally got it to announce its link status on its new set of 14 segment displays.  It performed admirably all weekend.  Thanks to Paul for safely transporting it to and from Vegas. I must also thank Stephen for his late night help on Wednesday. (tacos are not enough)  Without his amazing soldering, i’d still be trying to figure out what i had done wrong.  Here are some pictures from that night and the con to follow. . .

DC27 Defcam - Return to operationDC27 Defcam2 - PreparationDC27 Defcam2 - new headerDC27 Defcam2 - PrototypingDC27 Defcam2 - CompleteDC27 Flight - Solar CollectorsDC27 - Nixie Badge
DC27 Villages - Rogues Village - Shuffle TheoryDC27 Talks - Detecting Mac MalwareDC27 Villages - Hacking a BoatDC27 - Badge Rick
Continue reading “Defcam 2.0 Preparation and more from Defcon 27!”

Status update:

I’m back in Vegas for Defcon and it’s going swimmingly. so much so that i might get some actual swimming in.

Patrick Wardle Speaking at Defcon 27Thanks to the late night help of Professor Franklin i have improved and redeployed the Defcam!be3n at defcon 27 with defcam streaming hat?

Open source artisanal iOS Jailbreak released using only grass fed locally sourced exploits.

Cydia - Package management system for Jailbroken iOS.

A long time in the works, this is the first completely open source jailbreak to be released for an almost current version of iOS (11-12.1.2).  This is an interesting jailbreak.  It is semi-tethered, but unlike previous jailbreaks, this can at least be untethered from the device itself.  Using Cydia Impactor, you can side load the unc0ver app and install the jailbreak directly from the app.  it also allow the easy rejailbreak upon reboot or battery drain. Great work all around despite the remaining bugs and instability (it is still beta. Huge thanks to the efforts of @pwn20wnd and @sbingner).  To be honest, there are very few tweaks and apps that are ready for iOS 12, but i am excited to see the tradition of jailbreaking continue.  I have cydia again!  For the first tine since I closed down my own cydia repo.  C’mon developers, do you thing!

iOS jailbreak 12 unc0ver iOS 12 jailbreak -Cydia on iPad Pro
In truth, i never got it going on my phone, only my iPad.  I get a crash on my phone immediately after this dialogue comes up.  It took a few passes to get a picture (this one extracted from a screen record).  Not sure exactly what went wrong, but “Unexported kernel task port” is my best clue.  With my phone cashing as soon as it becomes untethered, i am never actually able to run Cydia. On my iPad, instead of rebooting, it resprings.  either way, it is very hard to read the final message.

iPhoneX iOS 12 unc0ver jailbreak fail

UPDATE:  This problem was resolved in b38.

2019 Storage upgrade phase 2 begins!

Drobo 5c - Rebuild

Now the waiting truly begins.  fingers crossed against additional failures.  On the next upgrade i’ll be able to test to see if the Drobo Pro (the original Drobo 8 bay) supports disks greater than 4TB.  Apparently, no one has tested that. I honestly wonder how many of these are still in use? I have now replaced every drive in my Pro.

Update: I have been informed by @mistacabage that the Drobo Pro will not accept drives larger then 4TB. The official documentation just said it was untested.

Drobo Pro - Rebuild

Cleaning out my office I found an ancient Asterisk Box!

Found Ancient Asterisk System - Digium TDM

Originally my router/PBX this Dell P4 was installed with some of the earliest Digium PCI analogue cards.  This card supported both FXS and FXO modules, and i used them both in various configurations. One of the FXS modules is what allowed my housemate’s old rotary phone to connect to the house phone system.  I loved testing the system by ringing his phone.  The ringing of its actual bell, was a delight. That dell survived the infamous flood (by already being decommissioned).  I think I paid over $200 for this card alone. Now i run Asterisk off my Raspberry Pi with a total hardware cost considerably less than that.

Found Ancient Asterisk System - Digium TDM (back)Found Ancient Asterisk System - Digium FXS Module

Visiting iFixit and finally fixing my laptop!

be3n at the iFixit set

I got the full tour, the place is amazing and far tidier then any workshop I have been in. They have pieces for nearly everything and almost everything in pieces. I got to try out their tools. I even touched their flame thrower!

iFixit’s Boring Conpany flame thrower

It turns out this little bugger was the cause of all my problems or at least my technical ones. Once I got this guy replaced, my 2011 MacBook Pro was back kicking ass. Thanks Daniel you are awesome!

MacBook Pro 13-Inch SATA cable

I brought this gift to show my appreciation, I hope you like it. It is TechStep diagnostic tool from Apple for testing and diagnosing vintage Macs. I don’t even remember what i traded it for nearly 20 years ago, but i never once used it. I hope you enjoy it and maybe even do something cool with it. I cannot wait to come back.

Apple TechStep Diagnostic Tool