Believe it or not, my home network actually used Radius authentication many years ago. Before I got a Nest (which still cannot connect to anything that isn’t open, WEP, or WPA/WPA2). At the time, I assumed the Nest app talked directly to the thermostat. Not true. It just needs internet to talk to it’s servers where it receives the commands and preferences from the app. Armed with that knowledge and recent revelations about the security of WPA2, I set to the task of reimplementing Radius on my network. First, I needed to asses which devices, like the Nest, would be unable to make the transition. Luckily, most of these devices don’t need anything more then internet access. One was moved to a hard line and the last attached to a Radius capable wireless bridge. I added a internet only wireless network for my embedded devices and moved my privileged network to Radius authentication. It was time to change my password anyway. Stay safe!