Amazing exhibits. They let you take pictures, so here are mine. enjoy.
Tag: museum
More Tourist Stuff

We arrived in Hermosillo in the afternoon. According to the guides this town was famous for it’s cathedral. That was certainly on our itinerary, but first, food. We found an amazing fruit and sandwich place. A delicious chicken baguette with fruit and even a coffee for kira. Not cheep by mexican standards, but awesome in every other respect. The cathedral was lovely. It had some very graphic depictions of Jesus and some beautiful chandeliers.
We also discovered a museum about the local native people. Though we only barely made it before they closed, they were very nice and gave us a private tour. They even gave us a taste of native mesquite medicine made from the sap. There was even a school there on a field trip. Some huts and some amazing murals. Enjoy the pictures, there are more in my photo archive page.