With a simple request for some titles, i’ve finally delved into apple’s latest motion 4. Amazingly easy and powerful, i had great usable elements even faster then last time. i can’t wait to start playing with some fancier options like motion tracking. for now i’m just toying with ideas for final cut elements i can recycle into silly animations. maybe i’ll make something worth posting.
Agreed…Motion 4 is amazing. Have you seen my 2.5D demo? You’re in it! Done with Photoshop CS4 and Motion 4…and super easy.
Nice! i went crazy with that effect after seeing “the kid stays in the picture” that robert evens documentary. i left the theatre and went straight to photoshop and final cut pro. back in 2002 i think it was the first i’d seen of that effect.
you can also use a similar system to create your own 3D viewmaster slides!