I found an old dot matrix printout from the local bbs of my youth. With their easy to remember phone number my 2400 baud modem transformed my computer into a portal to community resources to, amuse, educate, and entertain. it was where i received my first electronic mail. (a pain because they only had one phone line and it could take hours to get connected) i wish i had more printouts from then. I would love to see the main menu again. it might be cool to setup a mud like one of the old BBSes, or maybe a website. maybe just a retro setup for wordpress.
818-222-4444 | Wizardry Elite | CALABASAS, CA (1992-1994): _----| ----| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |_----| ]-I-I-I-[ _ _ _ _ _ _ ]-I-I-I-I-[ _ _ _ _ _ _ _----| | ----| \ ' / ]-I-I-I-I-[ \ '_/ ]-I-I-I-I-[ ----| ^ | |. | \ '_/ |,[] _ | \ '_/ | / \ | | /^\| | _ [],| _|_______|_ [*] __| ^ / ^ \ ^ | |*|| _|______|_ <=-=-=-=-=-=> |__ ,| / \ / ^ ^ \ / \ | ===| <=-=-==-=-=> \_________/ ___| ___ ,|__ / ^ /=_=_=_=\ ^ \|, _| \________/ | _ .| I_I__I_I__I_I (====(_________)_^_|____|____ |. _ | | _ | \-\--|-|--/-/ | I [ ]___|___|________| | _ | | '| |[] '|_ |_ _| _ ._| _\--|-|--/-/ | '| | | / \ [] .| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| [] [] | | ' | | []| <===> .|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| / \ |[] | |__ | ] []| [] | . _________ . |- <===> |' __| |- |- - <===> ' |||| | | |||| [] <===> - -| ' -| |_ | | .\T/ -- |||| | | |||| . ' \T/. | | _| /. .. \____/|' . .|||||/|_______|\|||||. . . |\_____/ .. .\ (818) 222-4444 - USRobotics 14.4 Baud HST Dual Standard - 230 Megs On-Line
Hey darkshade…
I’m with you here. I Loved Genie and Air Warrior… I rember I ordered a phone book of BBS numbers and was stoked the day I upgraded to 14.4.
That was the same day I downloaded my first online game purchase. Some kind of car rAcing game that had lic the Ford name. It a was crap!
Thanks for the post. I was the SysOp of Wizardry! Fantastic memories. Those were the days!
Wizardry was my favorite BBS. Wizard, thank you!