SSL problem, it wasn’t me!

broken keyI just assumed that the problem was related to my recent SSL renewal.  Turns out, Google security recently published Distrusting WoSign and StartCom Certificates and removed them from chrome.  How did I miss this?  It turns out that the SSL on my site has been broken on Chrome for some time.  It must be that I have been using Brave recently as my daily browser.  I moved this site to and it’s working fine for everyone now.  I don’t even know how much time I waisted on this one.  wow.

Something is getting better!

https lock iconMy blog is now distributed with Amazon’s Cloudfront CDN using powerful encryption and signed by a proper CA certificate.  See the shiny green lock?  Like a grown-up adult website.  After only 8.5 years.  Congratulations!  Thank you StartSSL!

Update:  you may have noticed that the transition has been a bit bumpy.  Still getting the hang of things and this website needs a lot of work (possibly a complete resurfacing).  I am sorry about the downtime and all the SSL errors, I am working on it.  Thanks Eric, I hope I didn’t step on your birthday plans kidnapping your brain.