Just keep cobbling

Aerial AnimationI rebuilt my Mac Pro software completely and it appears to have resolved the idle hanging problem.  It is alway an annoying amount of work getting everything up and running again.  It’s nice to have everything fresh and clean and worth it to finally have a stable desktop.  The most frustrating part of this kind of solution is that nothing is learned.  How?  Why?  No answers, but at least an end to the frustration!

UPDATE!  – Nothing is resolved!  it just took over 48 hours for the problem to return. ?

Silver lining was my brief use of screensavers and discovering John Coats work to bring the beautiful Aerial flyovers from the Apple TV to all macs.  Looks amazing on 3 screens!

Update! – It’s finally fixed!

iPhone takes another dump!

This morning I woke to see that I hadn’t plugged in my phone overnight. I plugged it in and continued to prepare my breakfast.  I returned to find the boot screen staring ominously at me.  It never booted. So much for my jailbreak.  I tried a few things (force restart, safe mode, no luck).  Oddly enough, my watch was still receiving txt messages- no other iMessage client was working at that time).  Now i am restoring to last year.  (lol – it’s only 2 weeks old)

iphone 6s plus wipeiphone 6s plus restore