A Nightvale live show in LA!

Nightvale - The Attic

I am excited to attend my first live Nightvale event.  i have enjoyed many of their podcasts over the years.  i was originally introduced to Welcome to Nightvale while driving through the southwest. It was fun to see the actual humans behind the voices.  I was amazed at how small a cast put on this show.  It was also amazing to see Disparition in action live, a badass!

Nighvale - The Attic

Fishtank Ensemble at Malabomba!

i just got back from seeing Fishtank Ensemble.  A band who’s influences seem as diverse as their lead singer’s range. (Africa to Romania)  Their violinest could also give the devil a run for his money.  check em out!  The’ve got a new cd coming.  i can’t wait!

Fishtank Ensemble

also event info here: