Ready for the Evasion!


Blobs are fetched, IPSWs Downloaded, iDevices Backed Up! Now the wait for the latest public jailbreak continues. The latest team includes @pimskeks, @planetbeing, @pod2g, and of course @MuscleNerd. Supposed to drop early tomorrow, but some suspected (myself included) that it might get released on “Funday.”

This jailbreak will support EVERY iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad, or iPad Mini running iOS 6.0-6.1. No doubt that atv2 support will come quickly after. No news yet about atv3.

Official Evad3rs Site

Update Java. Seriously, do it right now.

Another Java privilege escalation exploit spotted in the wild. Trojans and web based java classes are already installing remote access tunnels into Macs across the globe. Apple finally updated their java binaries and you should too! Protect yourself! Just run Software Update from the Apple menu.

Apple Info:

More info (including a AppleScript test for infection):

Oh no, not again! Apple firewire exploit published!

Firewire Symbol
This is Deja Vu of an attack from years ago where RAM was accessed from the firewire buss.  This study published back in Sept 2011 (that i am late to discover) revisits this attack on Lion.  Security researchers from frameloss published the specifics on an attack and how to avoid it.  Learn how your password could be extracted from your computer’s memory via your firewire port.  Even when you thought it was locked!  Even with FileVault!

Mostly you must turn off fast user switching, and activate a feature that dumps the password for added security.   read all about it here. . .

Userland iPhone Exploit found!

@_snagg and @esizkur discovered a safari exploit!  does this mean the return of  this effects ALL touch devices and is present in 3.1.3!  this is one that will effect all users, jailbroken or not.  They presented this year at ’s pwn2own.

It seems that this is not a root exploit, they bypassed code signing using return-oriented programming.  That is still pretty neat, but it means my hopes for’s return are all but dashed.
more info: