End of an era! cydia.be3n.com shuttered after 7+ years!

In truth, I haven’t touched it in years.  I haven’t even touched cydia recently. Sadly, all this work would only be useful for someone with an original or 3g iPhone. Apple certainly doesn’t support those devices anymore.  Does anyone still use them?  Unfortunately, my ISP insists that I remove the content.  After 7 years of hosting it, they realized it violates TOS.  I should check the logs.  I wonder if it will even be missed.  People say the internet never forgets.  Sometimes it is quite the opposite. For nostalgias sake, I left the instructions site up: http://cydia.be3n.com/ (at least that does’t violate Dreamhost TOS).  For the record, much of my work continued support well into iOS 4.

cydia.be3n.com site

. . . Maybe it will rise again on S3?

iOS 8.4.1 released 8.4 Signing window is closing. . .

new iOS version 8.4.1If you would like to restore your device for jailbreaking, now is the last chance for a while (probably until 9.0.1 or so).  It is not difficult as long as Apple is still signing the earlier version.  Simply visit https://ipsw.me/ and download the iOS version you wish to install (for us it is 8.4 for your device model).  Once this file is downloaded, fire up iTunes select the summary screen for your device, hold option (or alt if you are on windows) and click restore.  This will bring up an open dialogue and simply feed it the file you downloaded in the previous step.  You will need to temporarily turn off Find My iPhone before you will be allowed to restore.  Restoring creates a cleaner foundation for the jailbreak.  It is not always required, but i highly recommend it.  Soon, we will not be able to restore without loosing jailbreak.  We want to ensure that our devices are functioning fully.  That is why we jailbreak!

new iOS version restore

check status of apple signing:

TaiG now has a mac version. Download jailbreak here:

Oh Cydia- how i missed you!

Tiag 8.3 jailbreak Cydia iconsToday TiaG released a new jailbreak for iOS 8.1.3-8.3!  Finally I am jailbroken again!  As usual, lots of apps will need to be updated to work and Mobile Substrate isn’t compatible yet.  Please be patient as Saurik and others get things updated.  That is not to say that there isn’t piles of useful stuff already in Cydia.  It will probably be a few days (or maybe weeks) before we see activator and similar tweaks or themes up on 8.3.  Presently, TiaG jailbreak is only windows, but it works fine with virtualization.  Also, 8.4 should be coming soon.  I know Pangu allegedly already has a working jailbreak that they are waiting to release.  If that is true and nothing TiaG releases gets in the way, it should be great.  However, it is probably a good idea to upgrade to 8.3 before the signing window closes.  Apple usually leaves the old iOS open for a few hours or days after a new version is released.

tiag 8.3 jailbreak start

Continue reading “Oh Cydia- how i missed you!”

Pangu releases jailbreak for iOS 7.1/7.1.1!

pangu jailbreak icon Exciting to see a new player on the jailbreak scene.  This new player brings drama we haven’t seen since Zibri left the scene.  Wrought with the threat of malware and with the inclusion of a pirated App Store this jailbreak has certainly raised many questions as to the safety and legality of the software.  It’s installation is easy enough.  Nearly as simple as the evad3rs jailbreaks.  The main cravat is the inclusion of an expired corporate code signing certificate.  This requires that you set the date on your device to June 2nd and also to verify that you want to run an application from developer “iPhone Distribution:  Hefei Bo Fang communication technology co. LTD.”

It seems that much of the drama stems from the source of the bugs used to complete the process.  @i0n1c has been quite vocal about the whole thing.

pangu jailbreak i0n1c twitter-1

pangu jailbreak i0n1c twitter-2

Pangu makes no attempt to conceal what they did.  Thanking @i0n1c right on their app, even linking to his twitter feed.  They are not exactly claiming credit for his work, nor do i see how they are making any money from the release of this free jailbreak.  I understand that no permission was given to release this privileged info to the public, but i am glad that someone used it to release a free jailbreak.  Better then the current elevat0r to nowhere.  UPDATE:  pangu released 1.1 version of jailbreak removing @i0n1c’s info leak bugs and fixing boot loop issues experience by some users.  Not a great idea to burn more bugs, really no purpose at this point. Also, english release makes it easier for me to read.  UPDATE:  Apple released 7.1.2.  Pangu jailbreak includes 7.1.2.

pangu jailbreak new

pangu jailbreak start

pangu jailbreak finish

Lets see what the experts say. . .

pangu jailbreak twitter comex

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pangu jailbreak musclenerd twitter-2

pangu jailbreak musclenerd twitter-3

pangu jailbreak ih8sn0w twitter-1

Here are a few screens from the process.  I wasn’t quick enough to grab the startup screen with a thank you message.  Presently, the installer only runs in windows, but it can even be done with virtualization.  They claim a mac version is coming soon now avaliable.  pangu.io or english version:  en.pangu.io

pangu jailbreak iphone screen-1pangu jailbreak iphone screen-2
pangu jailbreak iphone screen-3pangu jailbreak iphone screen-4

iOS 5.1.1 Jailbreak released at Hack in The Box Conference! Untethered with iPad 3 Support!

The Dream Team did it again! With Absinthe 2.0.1 2.0.4, Chronic Dev & iPhone Dev Team have piled amazing exploits into a very easy tool. Official Press Release. Get your download here. Wish i was in Amsterdam with all of you having a blast. Thanks for all your work. I missed you Cydia, VLC, SBSettings, now if only i had Safari downloader!

Pounding my head against hactivation

iphone looking goodLessons learned activating an unlocked iphone with iOS 5.0.1 and a neat activation workaround.  I have been working with the new iOS hacktivation in preparation of upgrading unlocked phones to 5.0.1.  i finally cracked it.  (not entirely happy with my method, but it works)  Tips for anyone madly googling answers . . .

Short answer is SAM, (don’t hacktivate) but if you want to create a bundle using PwnageTool, you will want to add these repos:

Lastly, you will want a list of packages required to make it all work (only necessary for building it into custom bundles).  If you are using Cydia to install it, you won’t need this, skip down to the trick about temporarily activating.

Core Utilites
Erica Utilities
Mobile Substrate
Substrate Safe Mode
UIKit Tools
ultrasn0w (not really required unless you are unlocking)

Dangerous Activation Workaround
If you are caught locked out of your phone and unable to run anything, here is a trick that can get you out for a sec.  (not a long term solution at all).  First off, warning, if you aren’t quick your phone will actually call emergency services (911).  that being said, here goes. . .

First slide the slider to enter the setup wizard.  At any time, you can press the Home button and select Emergency Call.  Upon the dialpad dial 112 Send.  As soon as you press send, hold the sleep (top) button until the power slider appears.  Touch cancel, then tap the green bar to return to the call in progress and end it as soon as possible.  At this time, it should exit the wizard and return you to the home screen.  Quickly install SAM with cydia, because as soon as you power down, or even sleep the phone, you will be locked out all over again.